About the VFW Men's Auxiliary.
The 102nd National Convention of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of United States
approved a by-law change that authorizes the formation of Men's Auxiliary Units in accordance with prescribed procedure. Men's
Auxiliaries serve to benefit the communities in which they are established, by carrying on various programs sponsored by the
Veterans of Foreign Wars. All communities, large or small, are receptive to an organization that serves their community. The
VFW and it's auxiliaries are well known for sponsorship of the Voice of Democracy Contest, Patriot's Pen Contest, Flag presentations,
Citizenship Education, Community Service, Safety, Youth Activities, Hospital, Military and Veterans Assistance, and other
worth while programs and projects. These outstanding programs display the unselfish devotion that members of our organization
feel towards our country.
Our Men's Auxiliary
On May 2003, the VFW 4715 Men's Auxiliary received it's charter with 31 members,
becoming the first Men's Auxiliary in New Jersey. Since then we have been working diligently to serve our Post and community.
Our membership has continuously grown, approaching 70 active members.
Our annual fishing tournament. now in it's
10th year, has given out over 100 0scholarships to local High School seniors. We have constructed a "Walk of Honor"
patio in the picnic grove of the Post, with donations going towards the improvement and maintenance of the Post.
efforts will continue to better our Post and our community, with many new projects in the planning stages. We will continue
to work with the Veteran members and our Ladies Auxiliary striving to keep the memories of our fallen fathers and grandfathers